The most diverse animal and plant life is found in freshwater ecosystems. Each organism has evolved to adapt to living in water. Particularly trees have a unique relationship with freshwater
Trees that thrive in freshwater are often found in swamps. Water levels and flooding are often key factors in their seed dispersal. The most common trees that can grow in freshwater are bald cypress and pumpkin ash.
Let’s take an in-depth look at the trees that can grow in freshwater to see how they have adapted to this aquatic environment.
1. Bald Cypress Tree
Bald Cypress trees are known by many names: swamp cypress tree, southern cypress tree, red-, white-, and yellow-cypress as well as gulf-cypress.
These water-loving trees can be found along the east coast, from Delaware to Florida and continuing along the southern coast of the gulf coast, from Florida to eastern Texas. You can also find them inland in Louisianna and Arkansas, Indiana Mississippi, Missouri, Missouri, and Tennessee.
A swamp or wet floodplain is the most common habitat for bald cypresses. Floods are the ideal environment for this tree. The United States Forest Service states that they can survive being submerged in water up to 10 feet deep.
The tree can reach 150 feet tall so ten feet seems like a lot.
Why Do Bald Cypress Trees Grow In Freshwater?
Bald Cypress trees are monoecious which means that both the males and female parts of the tree are present on one tree. The tree self-pollinates in March and April. Female cones can carry anywhere from 2 to 34 seeds.
As the cones age, they start dropping seeds-laden scales. Sometimes whole cones drop from trees instead of just a few scales.
Squirts spread some seeds by picking up the scales and eating a few seeds.
Floodwater is the best way to distribute bald cypress trees seeds. Floodwater carries scales (or whole cones) downstream and spreads them where they can thrive.
Floodwaters are vital for the bald Cypress tree, and they prefer freshwater. Flooding is also beneficial for bald cypress tree because it provides an explosion of nutrients the tree can use.
Bald Cypress trees are an important tree for many waterfowl, birds, and aquatic organisms such as catfish and frogs.
2. Water Tupelo
Water tupelos, also known as Nyssa aquatica are broad-based trees that become narrower as they grow. Although it is found in the same areas as bald Cypress, it does not reach as far into Florida and inland.
The water tupelo is more resistant to flooding than the average water plant, and can withstand long periods of submersion in water up to 13 feet deep.
Water tupelo instead of producing a cone-shaped fruit like the bald Cypress, produces a drupe about an inch in length and usually dark purple. Each fruit contains one seed in a stone.
Water Tupelos offer food in the form their fruits to squirrels and ducks. This important species of freshwater tree is also a food source for deer.
Why Do Water Tupelo Trees Grow In Freshwater?
Trees are unique in their ability to grow in freshwater. This is similar to how cacti adapt to life with very little water. Water tupelo has a greater chance of survival because there is very little competition from other trees and shrubs.
According the US Forest Service water tupelo seed are spread mostly through flooding, much like the bald Cypress.
The stone will continue to float downstream as long as it is not broken. It will eventually settle in moist soil. The seed will then sit there until the next flood, when it sinks deeper beneath the soil. Then it will sprout.
3. Red Maple
Red maple trees are not often thought of as being in wet or swampy environments. However, these trees can thrive in dry areas. Red maple trees can thrive in swampy, wet soils.
Red maples live a short time, often reaching 150 years before they die. Red maples’ brilliant fall foliage makes them attractive trees for landscaping, medians and sidewalk ornaments.
The red maple is also appreciated by animals. Red maple is a favorite food source for small mammals such as squirrels, deer, elk, raccoons and other animals, especially in winter.
Why Do Red Maples Grow In Freshwater?
Red maples, unlike other water tupelo or bald cypress tree species, do not require flooding to spread their seeds. They instead use the wind to spread their seeds.
Many people refer to red maple seeds as whirligigs, or helicopters. They are extremely light and winged. If red maples don’t use water to transport their seeds, then why would they want to grow in freshwater.
Red maples prefer to grow in freshwater because it contains more nutrients, and it grows faster than in dry soils. The University of Florida says that red maples thrive in moist areas.
After the seeds have dispersed from the tree and landed where the wind takes it, they will sprout best if the soil is moist.
You can learn more about maple trees, and how to identify them, by reading our article comparing maple and oak trees here.
4. Black Spruce
There is a fascinating history to the black spruce tree. Black is a description that refers to the appearance of black branches on mountain slopes.
This tree is more common in swamps and bogs so it rarely displays this coloration. The species name “Mariana” means “Maryland”, but it isn’t found in Maryland.
It is a bizarre conundrum. The black spruce can be found in North America, Canada, and the Northeastern United States. Adirondacks Forever Wild says it has the smallest cone among all spruces.
The black spruce is a cold-climate-loving species that prefers humid climates. It can also grow in swamps, wet soils, and bogs.
Why Do Black Spruce Trees Grow In Freshwater?
The black spruce tree’s cones will begin to drop their scales as they mature. However, it is not uncommon for whole cones to fall.
Black spruce seed are and notdispersed through water or flooding, just like the red maple. They are normally scattered by wind, but can be helped by wildfires which open the cones.
Why live in water?
Because they lack nutrients, black spruce trees choose bogs over other trees. Black spruce trees can thrive in bogs that aren’t very productive.
These conditions can cause black spruce trees to have stunted growth. They still survive.
5. Willow Tree
The term “willow tree” is more of an umbrella name than a specific species. There are many species of willow trees, such as:
- Weeping
- Goat
- Arctic
- Peachleaf
- Brittle
These are just a few. While most willows prefer water, some species can also thrive on dry soils in open woods and prairies.
Willow trees are vital for the stabilization and maintenance of water systems, including stream banks. The roots prevent soil erosion by holding the soil together.
Why Do Willow Trees Grow In Freshwater?
The most famous willow tree is the Weeping Willows . It can be found in close proximity to ponds and streams as well as rivers and swamps.
Most willows transport their seeds downriver using stream currents and flood currents. The seeds are then placed on river banks and stream banks, where they can germinate.
Many animals and fish use willows. The Missouri Department of Conservation states that roots exposed to water partially or fully provide habitats for fish, turtles and newts. They are used by Beavers to make dams. When other food is scarce, deer and other animals will browse the willow trees.
Willows can also be used to remediate disturbed sites like quarries and mines. Willow trees are able to use their own chemical processes to grow and get nutrients to improve the soil’s stability and decrease contaminates.
6. Pumpkin Ash Tree
You can find pumpkin ash trees in clumps all along the east coast, from northern Florida to Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois and Tennessee.
This tree gets its name because of the pumpkin-shaped base that it develops when it grows in standing water, such as swamps.
Due to the emerald Ash borer, which infests all ash trees across the United States, the pumpkin ash has been considered critically endangered
Why Do Pumpkin Ash Trees Grow In Freshwater?
The pumpkin ash loves swamps and wetlands. They can thrive in places with standing water, even for long periods.
To disperse seeds from pumpkin ash trees, they use flooding and water. The seeds are carried in winged, lightweight fruit that is often carried by the wind. Some seeds may drop into the water, and others are carried by currents.
Wood ducks and other waterfowl can also eat the fruits of the pumpkin Ash. Deer will eat the leaves if food is scarce.
7. Swamp Tupelo
The name swamp tupelos refers to the closely related water tupelo. They all belong to the same genus Nyssa which is Greek for water nymph.
In areas with frequent flooding, the swamp tupelo thrives. The tree will develop a bloated base at the level of average flooding each season. After that, it begins to taper and become a normal-sized trunk.
A swamp tupelo’s growth is best in a shallow, moving water environment. Swamp tupelos can also be stunted by prolonged flooding or stagnant water. Picky picky…
Why Do Swamp Tupelo Trees Grow In Freshwater?
It is the way that it disperses seeds that creates the niche environment the swamp tupelo needs. While seeds cannot thrive in water, they can also survive without it.
The water carries seeds from the tree to another location. The seeds can only sprout once the water has receded and the soil has been exposed.
The seedlings will grow in moist conditions. They will die if they aren’t above the water line during a flood.
Honorable Mention: Mangrove Trees
Mangrove trees are most often associated with a tropical, saltwater environment. You would be correct most of the times!
Mangrove trees are found near saltwater estuaries. Their unique filtration system helps to keep the majority of salt out.
Mangrove trees are mentioned because they can survive in water that is only partially freshwater. These are known as riverine mangrove forests, according to the Smithsonian Institute. These forests are found on floodplains close to the coast, and sometimes get flooded by freshwater from rivers.
These mangrove trees can grow in both saltwater and freshwater environments. Sometimes, the water is only partially fresh as in a flood. The freshwater can recede and the water left behind can be very salty. However, mangroves are able to withstand this rapid change.
You can find out more about trees near saltwater here.
What Are The Best Water-Loving Trees To Plant In Your Yard?
You might be better off planting the trees listed above if your yard is slightly moist at any time during the year. Trees that don’t thrive in moist soil will struggle to grow.
Which tree is best to plant in your yard? Let’s take a look at our top picks.
1. Red Maple
The yard is a great place to plant red maples. Red maples are the most common tree to change colors in fall. They turn a bright red with orange, yellow and sometimes purple.
Red maples can thrive in full sun to partial shade and in well-drained soils. They are also able to thrive in prolonged flooding.
To pick up a red Maple tree, you can visit your local nursery. You can also order your tree online through DAS farms Red Maple Shade Tree. Many customers comment on how healthy this tree looks after it arrives.
2. Weeping Willow
The iconic water-loving tree, the weeping willow tree, has long, drooping leaves that move in the wind.
If you have enough space and a pond, these trees can be a great option. You can find a willow tree at your local nursery or order one online through Perfect Plant’s Weeping Willow Living Plant.
That’s A Wrap!
Trees can be as varied as the animals found on Earth. Some prefer to live at low elevations while others prefer living thousands of feet above the sea level. Some prefer dry conditions while others prefer wet. The soil pH is an important factor in the growth of a tree.
Many trees prefer living in freshwater. This is usually seen in a floodplain or swamp that experiences frequent flooding.
Let’s recap: The most common trees that can grow in freshwater are:
- Baldcypress
- Water tupelo
- Red maple
- Black spruce
- Willow
- Pumpkin Ash
- Swamp Tupelo
Two main reasons trees choose to live in freshwater is seed dispersal, and lower competition. We’re done, thank you for reading!